January 13, 2008

Baby's First Words

Everyone knows that a baby's first words are mama or dada or something simple like that. Well, not my grandson - his first word was "Curly" - our dog's name. He didn't actually say Curly, it was more like "urrry" but he said it with a soft, sweet tone of voice; the same tone I use when I'm talking to the dog. (Yes, I have some of the best conversations with my animals.)

His next word, which surprised all of us, was "Paul." Again, it wasn't HOW he said it, but the WAY he said it. Paul, the last of my teenagers still in school, is NOT a morning person. It usually takes several trips up the stairs to his bedroom to wake him up. He can't ever get up for school, but tell him he has to be at a job by 7:00 a.m. and he's out of bed as quick as a flash of lightning. Funny how money is the motivator!

Anyway, I realized "Paul" was my grandson's second word when he toddled over to the stairway, stood at the bottom of the stairs next to the babygate and yelled in a loud voice (or at least it was loud for a toddler), "auwwww!" He waited a minute or two and then yelled it again. I was stunned!

I guess my son should feel honored that his baby nephew learned his name instead of anyone elses. But, seeing as how my son is "all things music" (plays guitar, drums, and his stereo 24/7)and my grandson seems to have been born with the same music gene as my son, it's not surprising that the baby learned his idol's name first.

Of course, the baby's mother isn't as thrilled as the rest of us. :-)

Now that my grandson has figured out how to say a few words, he has added kitty, doggie, mama, brrrmmmm-brrrrmmmmm (for truck or ATV) and ball to his vocabulary. The pediatrician is a tad concerned that he can't say the usual words toddlers his age say, but it will come in time. He gets his point across quite well whenever he wants something by pointing, squeeling, and giving one the "talk to the hand" signal for the word "no".

Who knows, by the time he goes to kindergarten, maybe he'll have "book, train and car" down pat.

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